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Who we are

An industrial group, specialized in the transformation of materials with the most efficient manufacturing resources, unique know-how and technical skills.

Farinia, an innovative industrial group

Farinia is an industrial group specializing in the transformation of materials with the most efficient manufacturing resources, unique know-how and technical skills. Training represents a major investment for the group.

We have a unique network of partners in a large number of countries.

We are fortunate to have a high-performance management team and a group of high-level experts. Quality control, change management and innovation are at the heart of our proven know-how

We are proud to have the approach of a well-informed investor who has consistently demonstrated value creation through both organic development and a dynamic external growth policy.

Two major concerns: motivating employees and preserving the environment and natural resources.
The essence of Farinia Group's performance lies in innovation and a controlled financial approach. This dual vision enables the Group to constantly identify opportunities where others see only difficulties.

A manufacturer with unique know-how

The customer experience

The company devotes a great deal of energy to anticipating customer needs.
Relations with our broad base of customers and suppliers are above all based on mutual trust. Excellence and continuous improvement are consistently pursued by each of our profit center managers.

Competitive advantage

The quest for permanent competitive advantage is "boosted" by innovation and, in particular, digitalization.

Putting technical know-how at the service of each subsidiary

Each subsidiary is an independent profit center, but the Farinia Group's management team encourages the sharing of best practices across the company.

Pooling resources

Although highly decentralized, Farinia Group seeks economies of scale by pooling purchasing, IT and certain support services.

Management excellence

A set of documented processes based on the Group's best practices

The Farinia Group has mapped out 29 macro-processes, which constitute a guide to best practices. The aim is to create value for the customer. Management is based on indicators.

A Kaizen-Lean six Sigma approach

In the field, management strives for the permanent elimination of waste.

People are the driving force behind value creation

People are at the heart of the organization. Farinia seeks to empower employees, giving them the opportunity to do what they see fit to achieve the results that have been set together. It is through participation and ownership that Farinia Group gets its employees to adhere to its vision.

Ongoing training is the key driver.

Strategic seminars

Farinia Group regularly organizes strategic seminars at the prestigious IMD management school in Lausanne. Our managers are invited to work in a brainstorming session on the strategic issues facing their market, and to determine the action plans to be included in their business plans.

A performance-driven investor

Ambitious profitability targets

The commitment of our financial investors - Evialia FRANCE, Verdoso, BPI and FAA - shows that Farinia also understands and meets the expectations of financial investors.

The courage to invest in order to successfully implement its medium-term strategy

Farinia's in-depth knowledge of its businesses enables us to invest wisely, often against the grain.

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