We are proud to announce the ISO 50001 certifications of our companies Setforge L'Horme, Setforge Hot Formers and Setforge Gauvin!
These certifications underline the work done within our companies to establish a structured approach to reduce our energy consumption and efficiency, in particular through the internal project ENERGECO.
In concrete terms, numerous projects have been carried out in each of the Group's companies:
- Installation of connected meters to monitor our water, gas and electricity consumption
- Switching to LED lighting
- Raising awareness of eco-gestures among our teams
- Implementation of a system to recover waste heat
- Determination and monitoring of objectives shared with all employees
- Project underway to install solar panels..
The ISO 50001 certification offers an internationally recognized framework to continue to develop our approach to improve our energy performance, set concrete objectives and measure our progress in order to reduce our environmental impact and our CO2 emissions.
These 3 new ISO 50001 certifications are in addition to the one received at the beginning of the year by our new company Setforge Bouzonville.
Congratulations to our teams for this major achievement, which once again underlines the Setforge Group's commitment to a more eco-friendly and sustainable industry.