An Industry in Transition
Often criticized, the oil and gas industry remains a major resource in the global energy mix and allows a gradual transition to more sustainable energies. Although the use of oil is doomed to decrease sharply in the coming decades, this is not the case for gas, whose share in the energy mix is set to increase. For the same amount of energy produced, it emits almost half the CO2 compared to coal.
The oil and gas industry, however, faces significant technical challenges, as the ever increasing drying up of resources. This obliges the companies in the sector to leave the usual operating zones and to overcome new obstacles as restrictive environmental requirements, ultra-deep offshore drilling, arctic conditions at extreme temperatures or more aggressive gases.
The Setforge Group, a subsidiary of Farinia Group, is a long-standing partner of the largest OEMs in the sector. It is able to produce forgings resistant to the highest pressures, heavy corrosion and the lowest temperatures.