Towards Responsible Transport
Distribution, logistics, physical transport, the trucking industry serves many sectors of activity. In Europe, heavy goods trucks are the backbone of goods transport and represent almost 90% of total traffic (road, rail and river)! The other side of the coin is that they alone are responsible for nearly 95% of CO2 emissions in the goods transport sector. Facing the ecological awareness, this transport sector is at a turning point in its history and should reinvent itself for a virtuous future.
Partner of the world's largest OEMs, Setforge Group, a subsidiary of Farinia Group, is able, through its agile organization which promotes innovation in manufacturing methods and processes, to support this transition through the production of high added value components. These components, used in sets of gearboxes, axles, chassis or even injection, are produced by electro-upsetting, hot forging or even cold forging, and then machined.
Our teams of experts and engineers support you throughout your journey to help you make the best choices in terms of forging techniques, choice of materials, heat treatment or part geometry.